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Senin, 10 Juni 2013


           An industrial sector is the first prioritized sector to be developed because its development may encourage other sectors to develop. Indonesia have many human and environment resource. That, Big industry in a Country indicates that big country. But, The industrial set up , export cost and tax which too expensive and Indonesians no believe for Indonesia product make the  investors and domestic entrepreneurs afraid to expand and make big segmentation to his product. So, Indonesians must to make investors and domestic entrepreneurs dared to expand his products abroad and love our product to ensure growth of the industry in Indonesia with the utilization of domestic energy resources of its own and without having pulled imported goods in because entrepreneurs and investors in the country dare to compete and make a bold product segmentation greater. Benchmark in China, that country has been become great country in the world until the product become cheaper than Indonesia product, Indonesia is consumptive consumer, and want cheapest product price. In china, tax rebate is very cheap and that encourage industry to do a lot of production and then do export to countries consumptive. So, Indonesia must Move the industrial to decrease the tax rebate or make same discount Tax if we make high production in order that domestic investors and entrepreneur dare to lower the price of the product so that the Indonesian people could feel the price of the product that fits within the country, while maintaining the desired quality and price of Indonesian society, entrepreneur also able to expand his product and compete with china. With in this way, 5 years later certainly appear many entrepreneurs and automatic unemployment and poverty indirectly reduced.

Keyword : Indonesia industrial, decrease cost and Tax, increase productivity 

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